Have you got your FREE essential oils reference guide yet?

Essential oils reference guide

Knowing how to use oils in everyday life it is essential so that is why you should have these 3 things, high quality oils, a knowledgeable rep and a quick reference guide for using essential oils

The main reason for keeping them in the dark is because they can be damaged by ultraviolet light and deteriorate more rapidly at the blue end of the spectrum than the red. Therefore, the essential oils reference guide tells us we should store our oils in amber-colored bottles (if you do keep your essential oils in blue bottles then they should be kept in the dark – this is less important if your bottles are brown).


The simple aromatherapy oils guide

  • Never put your oils into clear glass or plastic bottles
  • Never be placed in direct sunlight
  • Avoid placing your oils on sunny windowsills or shelves on radiators – no matter how attractive the bottles look!
  • Do not leave your essential oils in extreme temperatures, because they are highly volatile which means that they evaporate rapidly.
  • Always replace the caps immediately and ensure that the tops are tightly closed when the oils are not in use.

Essential oils reference guide to length of storage

If stored in recommended conditions essential oils will last for approximately three years from the bottling date. In excellent storage conditions such as being stored in amber bottles in a cool place with no air space they will keep for about five years. However, citrus oils tend to have a shorter shelf-life due to their high proportion of terpenes, as do absolutes and resins which thicken even more with age and the smell of the solvent becomes more noticeable.

Essential oils reference guide to blended oils

Once essential oils have been diluted in a carrier oil such as a blended oil, the shelf-life reduces dramatically. For maximum benefit use freshly made-up blends. A blend will keep for about three to six months if it is stored in an amber-colored bottle in a cool place away from sunlight. If wheatgerm oil is added then the shelf-life is approximately six to nine months. If the smell alters and the vegetable oil becomes rancid then you should definitely discard it.

Aromatherapy oils guide

Essential oils reference guide to dos and don’ts of buying and storage

  1. Clear glass or plastic bottles do not contain pure essential oils. Always buy oils in amber-colored bottles.
  2. Know how old are the essential oils.
  3. Know when they were bottled.
  4. Do not leave the oils in direct sunlight.
  5. Are the essential oils all the same price? If they are, then you are definitely not purchasing pure essential oils. For instance, pure essential oil of rose will be far more expensive than lavender or rosemary.
  6. Have the essential oils been diluted with any carrier oils? If so, when were they blended?
  7. Have the essential oils been adulterated with synthetic materials or bulking agents? If so, do not purchase them, opt for therapeutic grade essential oils
  8. Does the aromatherapy trader deal mostly with the perfume and food industries? If so, avoid this company and always look for an aromatherapy specialist where therapeutic grade essential oils can be purchased directly.
  9. Does your supplier know about the essential oils?
  10. If blends are being sold, is there a qualified aromatherapist on the staff?
  11. Has the supplier been recommended to you?
  12. How long has the aromatherapy firm been established?
  13. Essential oils should always be kept away from young children. If they are taken internally some essential oils can be highly dangerous.
  14. Internal use essential oils must always be therapeutic grade essential oils of the highest standard.
  15. Never leave bottled pure essential oils standing on plastic, polished or painted surfaces which can be damaged by the chemical constituents.
  16. Always store essential oils away from the naked flame.
  17. Store essential oils away from your homoeopathic medications which may be tainted by the more powerful aromas.

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