How do you make a career change at 50?

Contemplating a career change at 50 is easier said than done, but there could be a solution at your finger tips

So, you’ve reached a critical point in your life when you are looking for new opportunities but you have found that it is not so easy changing careers at 50

Recently, a fellow who lived near an airport at the end of a busy runway went into the airline HR department and asked to fill out an application for a job as a pilot. When asked his qualifications he said, “Well, I’ve watched thousands of planes land and take off and I’m sure I can do the job.”

If this sounds like you, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and do some serious career planning, changing careers at 50 is not as easy as you may thing.

Qualifications and requirements  for a career change at 50

Every career, except the most basic jobs, has threshold qualifications and requirements. Some are easy to qualify for, others like airline pilots take years of training and flying experience. If you’re 55 and could pass the physical requirements, and it would take you five years to qualify for the entry-level pilot’s position, and the airlines have a mandatory age 60 retirement, you probably wouldn’t take this route.

On the other hand if you are 55 and your desire is to be an attorney, and it requires three years of additional schooling and passing the bar exam, go for it. But it requires along with the planning fundamentally changing careers at 50 and the necessary financial planning to carry it off.

How then do you find the right career? First, do a self-assessment of your interests, skills, what you enjoy and what you do not want to do.

Jobs for 50 year olds

Since you are thinking to change your career at 50 you’ll be looking to shortcut some job requirements. Like education, for example, you may through self-study and online learning speed up the education qualification requirements.

Also, through volunteer work with organizations and nonprofits many times you can gain valuable work experience that translates well to meeting job experience requirements.

Additionally your research will provide you with salary ranges, promotional opportunities and if the needs for the career are growing.

All of this will now be reflected in your rewritten resume and cover letter. You’ll have a good start on preparation on good answers to tough job interview questions.

Planning career change at 50 can be a time for reflection, to reassess your financial future and find the right job in the right career. Hopefully, this short article will get you started in the right direction.

The reality it is not easy to want or even have a career change at 50, so what can I do?

How do I make a career change at 50?

As for myself, I found the whole situation of working for someone and trying to find jobs for 50 year olds is a hellish prospect so rather than look toward a new career in the job market where the competition would be tough, I took the opportunity to look at what skills I already had and what I could learn quick at home. Very quickly I realized that working from home and running my own business was the solution towards my career change at 50, I am a hardworking and a good problem solver.  Finding an online opportunity was easy and cheap and I was able to get started straight away and instantly changing careers at 50.

If you feel you need help with your career change at 50 I may have an option for you, click here or  PM me and I will get back to you asap….. Ads


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